

Dear Readers, Happy Readings!!! So in my last blog I told you how food gives us immense pleasure on individual basis no matter whether it is labelled bad food by various experts. So connecting further, I would like to say that whether it is Fat, maida, fried foods(those mouth watering samosa, bhaturas, pakodis,pooris,chicken butter masala,chicken lolly Pops etc),red meat, egg whole, sweets etc. Enjoy eating them for pleasure and taste but do not end up filling your stomach with them. If you follow this golden rule then these foods can never make you feel guilty!!God has made every eatable by humans for specific purpose on He left the decision of taking them how much and how many times on Humans. So BE WISE AND LET YOUR FAVORITE FOOD BE YOUR OCCASIONAL CHOICE. But those whose favorite food falls in already falls in healthy food categories so LUCKY YOU ARE EAT AS YOU FEEL LIKE TO EAT!!! Happy week end.Stay safe and Stay healthy



Dear Readers Happy reading !!! So coming back to our most priced Nutrient, yes Protein.Protein  is one nutrient which is consistently needed and cannot be curtailed until and unless some kidney problems occur and in that case also high biological value proteins are still allowed. yes we will discuss this also. Proteins are made up of amino acids. there are eight essential amino acid for body which are indispensable. Others can be synthesized with the various combinations of these eight amino acids.Toh in simple language the food items which give us these eight essential amino acids they are First class proteins.The proteins which contain these essential amino acids and also make easily available for body are termed as PROTEINS OF HIGH BIOLOGICAL VALUE. But this star nutrient just can't undermine the importance of other nutrients. Yes taking too much of proteins thinking that it can only help us to grow is also not right.Protein overload results in urea overload  and thus impairs fu


Dear Readers, Greetings of the day!! Yesterday I told you to talk to your food, actually I wanted you to understand, analyse and give a thought before putting  food in your mouth. Choose best food among st all healthy dishes and if no choice of healthy then choose bad among st worst unhealthy dishes.Always make it a point to use your visual senses, smelling senses to help you in choosing food. There are other various criteria too to choose foods we will keep on taking about  them in our journey of knowledge sharing. So now understanding ENERGY GIVER FOODS, lets come back to Foods which are needed to grow.These are the most valued, pampered and priced food.They are the showstopper.till now you must be able to make out ,YES I am talking about PROTEINS. PROTEINS are the building blocks. of our body.Imagine a small embryo in mother's womb and then life starts, it progresses and starts growing bigger. Small baby to crawling child then toddler, adolescent, adult and then old aged person.


Dear Readers, Greetings!! and Sincere prayers that this world remains safe and healthy!!!  So in  my previous blog, I told that how Food is my body's Fuel and basically which food should we look for in order to gain energy.You know as Dietitian  I use to always talk to these food items and this inspiration of "Food talking" long back I got from my Botany teacher who told us that call all flowers and plant with their botanical names and treat them as friends you will never forget their names.This habit of mine now I find useful. I literally look at food items and through my food talk I just ask them what all you will give to my body. It's not that Fat does not give energy or pulses,milk, egg or other sources of proteins do not give energy,but then I hear them telling me please use me for building you body. Fat saying apart from energy I will also give you extra cholesterol. Then I immediately realize that for Energy I will first call carbohydrates, if they are exhauste


Dear Blog Readers!!! Happy reading to you all!! In my previous blog I had written about the meaning of Food in various aspects.I myself had indicated few and today unfolding layers  from Food Science.So Begin with, let me tell you incidences where you will really connect to me on this prole of Food i.e. energy giving.After your written exams, interview, completion of whole day's massive event, You suddenly remember that "my stomach is howling, if I don't eat a single bite I might fall down."then after eating food you feel so refreshed and active as if a gloomy plant has been watered. So this is  what Food does to us. It provide us energy to live, to grow to sustain and to reproduce. Food gives us Energy this is true but then the Most important question is from which food this energy is actually provided.List is of dishes is exhaustive so we categorize our ENERGY GIVING FOODS as Cereal based food. CEREAL AND MILLET FOODS   WHEAT, RICE, JOWAR, BAJRA, MAKKA, RAAGI,


Good Morning All my readers and  wishing you an energetic week ahead. So last week, I share an interesting story in which I tried to popularize Farre among Kids. so these are small tricks by which we can still carry our traditional delicacies forward. Remember YOU ARE ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR KIDS. this week I will try to unfold the secrets of Food which always puzzle common man.Many patients  come back to me saying why this simple daal rice seems soooooo complicated before you doctors?? Then I pondered upon to unfold layers of FOOD. TODAY WE WILL TALK WHAT FOOD IS AND i INVITE YOU ALL THROUGH YOUR COMMENTS TO DESCRIBE IN ONE WORD WHAT FOOD IS.  1. FOOD IS MY BODY'S FUEL 2. FOOD HELP ME TO GROW 3. FOOD GIVES ME TASTE AND SATISFACTION 4. FOOD IS MEDICINE 5. FOOD IS MY STATUS SYMBOL 6. FOOD IS MY WEAPON TO FIGHT WITH MY MOTHER. So similarly food is  defined by all. these Six thing I will slowly unfold and make your vision clear. Till then good bye. and yesss come back with what food means


Happy reading Dear  Readers!!!  beginning from yesterday's  blog,I had invited you all to come and share what pleasure your cooking brought to your family at your home. Reaction of your family, especially your children. Positive impact of that dish on the health of whole your Kids were involved during preparation of whole recipe.While cooking what all memories flashed before you. That 's the real treasure that's the way recipe passed actually from one generation to other. So Sharing my experience,During lock down  one  fine day I thought of preparing  farre. A very traditional North Indian cuisine, nutritionally rich as contains easily available proteins due to cereal pulse combination method. Secondly cooking method is also steaming process so that makes it more healthy(You know dietitian within me keeps me always alert). So a day before I had told that tomorrow morning's breakfast is Farre. Farre!!! mumma what's this?we will not eat, make something else